Business Analytics│Business Intelligence│Data Science

Actively seeking full time opportunities.
Curious about business insight, enjoy using data to find solutions to problems and telling stories to communicate my findings with stakeholders.
I am currently pursuing my second master degree in Information Management at UW with specializations in Business Intelligence and Data Science. My first master degree is Human resource Management and I have 2 years of work experience in people analytics.

Recent Work

Seattle Airbnb Price Prediction

This is my regression analysis project poster. I worked in a team with two other girls. We built a regression model for Seattle Airbnb price prediction. We performed data manipulation, feature selection and model selection.

NYC Crime Type Prediction

I used random forest to predict crime type and hope that by exploring the relationship between crime primary type and socioeconomic/criminals’ data, I can have an idea of the factors influencing crimes and some simple suggestions on how to prevent crime.

A Company's Data Warehouse ERD

I conducted a dimensional modeling for a data warehouse design. The work I did during my internship was much more complicated than this, the data warehouse I designed and performed ETL for contains 82 tables.

A Company’s Sales Data Visualization

I analyzed sales data in the business intelligence system, created dashboard with Tableau and sales forecasting.

Global GDP Visualization

This world map was created with Python Pygal. The map visualization shows global GDP comparison between years of 1960 and 2020. The line chart below those two maps shows UK, USA and China GDP development trends. Data source:

The Relationship between Availability and Minimum Nights of Seattle Airbnb

The JavaScript D3 plot shows the correlation between availability and minimum Nights. Each dot's tooltip shows availability and minimum Nights' numbers. Each regression line's tooltip shows the equition, p-value and R-squared. You are able to filter the neighborhood to see different neighborhood's plot.

Get In Touch

Here is my contact info. Please feel free to email me if you need any further information.